Detergents Industry

Both soaps and detergents are cleansing products that we frequently use in our daily lives. We use these products to clean our skin and hands as well as wash our clothes.
The company’s range of products are eco-friendly and assure improved fabric care, skin care and higher hard water tolerance.

Some of Usha Fibre's products for the Detergents industry are: -

Polyethylene glycols (PEG) : -These are used in the manufacture of soap

Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLES) : -This finds use in liquid detergents.

Specially formulated products: : -These are used in liquid and powder detergents, and detergent cakes.

Usha Fibre
Building No. A-27, Office B-3 & B-4, St. No. -2, Madhu Vihar , I.P. Extn. , Patpar Ganj, Delhi -110092

Mobile: +91 98106-83173,
Mobile: +91 99532-9-2362
Ph.No.:- +91-11-43583173

Product Gallery

Diethylene-Glycol Monoethlene-Glycol Triethylene-Glycol Polyethlene-Glycol Propylene-Glycol Diproplene-Glycol Tripropylene_glycol Unsaturated-Polyester-Resin Styrene-Monomer Phthalic-Anhydride Melic Anhydrid Solvents Natural-Butyl-Alchol Iso_Propylene_Alchol Clorinated Protin Wax Poly urethene Resin Latex_Rubber_Gloves Methyle Ethyl Kiton Toluene Thinner_Nc Thinner_Synthetic